Thursday, August 03, 2006

I have always been a fan of journalling but I don't do it as often as I should. I have managed to find a lot more free time lately and also a lot on my mind. This is the best way I know to keep a secure and private diary of my life.

I find myself facing a challenge. It's the single hardest struggle I have ever endured in my life. It's proven more difficult and more painful than my depression several months ago. It affects me physically and emotionally. This challenge requires a complete re-write of my entire lifestyle from self image to self control; from interfacing with others to facing my inner demons; from anticipating death to re-evaluating life. The odd thing is that I am not alone...millions of people around the world are engaged in a life and death battle with themselves and the way they live. And it can be summed up in only one word: obesity.

Yeah, I know, it's the ugliest word in the English language. I don't think that I have ever even voiced it in reference to myself, but here it is. I am obese. I am 29 years old, 243 pounds, with a BMI of about 38 and I am not gonna take it anymore!!!

On June 26, 2006, I started the Nutrisystem program. Now before you think that I am here to endorse that program, you are wrong. It's just that the specifics of the journey are necessary to appreciate finally reaching the destination. I mention it only as a key on the legend of my map. Now almost 6 weeks later, I am 12 pounds lighter. While that is a great success, I still feel...nonpulsed. I am not really excited and I feel alone. It's like taking a cross coutry road trip all by yourself. The drive is pretty and the arrival is exhilerating, but without someone to create memories with the trip seems wasted and pointless. Who will know about what you went through? Who will know about the bumps in the road? Who will remember the times you ran out of gas? Who will help you relive it later?

That's why I decided to blog my experiences. If for no other reason than to accompany myself on the trek. To have a way to look back and recall the specifics of my journey as they happened not as I remember them. And so, I have officially packed my bags and left my driveway. I have put a few miles behind me already, but so many more are ahead. I am looking forward to the drive, but even more to the final destination: Skinny City!!


Anonymous said...

I absolutely hear you and I felt every single emotion in what you wrote. First let me tell you, you are a gifted writer. I know them when I see them. Second, I was exactly where you are right now 6 months ago, feeling alone and overwhelemed. 28 years old, weighing 278 lbs. 6 months later, I am not the same person anymore and I've only lost 40 lbs so far. I am confident in what life has in store for me, I am loving myself and my life (If only I could date that guy I saw at the gym yesterday....finest boy I have seen in years, lol, but I digress...). What I am trying to say is that you are not alone and By God you are so much stronger than you can imagine! You my dear, have begun peeling back the layers and I am telling you you will soon discover how unstoppable you are. Just take things one day at a time, remain absolutely focus and connected to others who are on the same journey.I find that to be key!I will not let you slip. You will make it!

Jules said...

I'm excited to follow your journey. I'll be watching. :-)

Anonymous said...


I am with you! You can do it!

I look forward to hearing about the New you...