Monday, November 27, 2006

Thanks + giving

First and foremost, I am having "one of those days". I had so much trouble just getting out of my bed this morning. Unfortunately, it's more than just fatigue from the long weekend; it's my "what is the point of it all" mentality that keeps me lying there. However, I did manage to force myself to rise this morning and I am desperately trying to leave this schlumpy feeling behind.

So, here are my attempts at positive thinking...

Thanksgiving was wonderful! It was the first time that I had ever hosted one in my own home! It felt really great even though by Friday night I was exhausted. My house was filled with friends and family on Thursday and there was plenty of feasting. Some of them even stayed with us that night and we enjoyed some TV and dominoes together. We stayed up until after midnight and then I actually got up at 2 in the morning to go to Best Buy with my step mom and my brother!! It was surprisingly fun. The 2 hour wait in line was balanced by the free Krispy Kremes, the conversation with those around us, the hilarity of the idiot who caught his blanket on fire, and the successful acquisition of a Nintendo DS for my daughter at a very, very good price! All in all, a memorable morning!! That evening, we kept a friend's 2 children at our house and, I am ashamed to say, we didn't have a very good time. I was so tired and cranky that it wasn't very fun for anyone. Saturday saw the vacating of my own home in favor of my in-laws. There we had a rather different sort of Thanksgiving dinner. We roasted hotdogs and marshmallows outside!! Lots of fun!

Of course, I ate a lot, but I did at least TRY to go easy on the foods! I am supposed to be weighing in tomorrow, but I may put it off for another week just to help me feel a bit better about myself.

I am still trying to understand why I struggle with myself so much. But I am also having alot of trouble concentrating on anything today. What the hell is wrong with me?!?!

1 comment:

Annieann77 said...

Glad to hear you had a good Thanksgiving! Sounds like you had a pretty good weekend too! I think I would wait a week also, then hopefully next week you will show a big number on the scale and feel good about yourself again! Good luck!